

Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Halifax, Nova Scotia


The best way to predict the future is to invent it. (Alan Kay)

An institutional repository (IR) is a set of services offered by an institution to manage and make accessible the scholarly digital materials created by that institution and its community members. Designed by libraries, IRs represent an innovative solution to many of the challenges encountered in the rapidly evolving world of scholarly resources, such as how to manage and preserve the growing array of digital content created at our institutions. IRs adopt the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) framework, are interoperable, and embrace open access principles. They also collect and expose a broader range of digital research material, contributing to the development of a richer system for scholarly communication.

The momentum for these types of repositories is growing dramatically and they represent an important new role for libraries in the 21st century.

Join us in Halifax as part of the Access 2004 Conference to:

  • Meet and exchange ideas with your colleagues about institutional repositories;
  • Find out about what other libraries are planning for their institutional repository, in Canada and internationally;
  • Learn about best practices and challenges for implementing institutional repositories; and,
  • Contribute to Canadian-based initiatives for institutional repositories.
  • This full day pre-conference workshop is sponsored by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) and is open to everyone interested in learning more about IRs or sharing their experiences with others.

    Registration for the workshop is $75.00 CAD. The programme and registration form are available on the CARL website.

    ©2003 Vaughan Memorial Library, Acadia University