John Durno
Acting Manager, BC Electronic Library Network
Simon Fraser
University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby BC V5A 1S6
604.268.7002 Fax: 604.291.3023 /
The BC Electronic Library Network is a consortium of post-secondary libraries in British Columbia and the Yukon.
BCcampus: One stop, many shops - Library Services on the Expedia Model |
-- October 15, 2004 11:45 am-12:30 pm |
The goal of the BCcampus project is to provide a central access point to online and distance learning courses, programs and resources offered by 27 publicly funded post-secondary institutions across British Columbia. BCcampus students have the option to enroll in courses offered by any post-secondary institution in the province, and may be affiliated with several different course providers at any time during their educational career. All courses and support services are accessible via the BCcampus Portal, a uPortal implementation.
Designing a gateway for library users with multiple, changing institutional affiliations has been a key challenge in the development of library services for BCcampus. A central focus has been to implement an authentication infrastructure enabling students to access electronic library resources from multiple institutions using a single sign-on. Existing system-wide library services including an ILL requesting system have also been modified to work in the BCcampus context.
This session will provide an overview of the BCcampus project, focussing on the technical and design considerations involved in constructing a library gateway for students affiliated with multiple post-secondary institutions.