Clare MacKeigan
Relais International
Phone: 1.888.294.5244 X70 (in North America)
1-613-226-5571 X70
Fax: 1.613.226.0998
Clare MacKeigan is co-owner and General Manager of Relais International in Ottawa, Canada, a company focused on the development of systems to assist libraries in providing a full range of interlibrary loan and document delivery services, for almost 10 years. Prior to moving into the business end of library systems Clare spent 15 years at CISTI in different positions, primarily in the systems area of CISTIs renowned Document Delivery service.
-- October 14, 2004 11:45 am-12:30 pm |
Because of the very nature of Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery they have relied upon and embraced standards from their inception. The recent push to automate and more closely link and integrate these with other library services has further emphasized the need for and importance of standards, e.g., ISO ILL, Z39.50, OpenURL and NCIP. However, the adoption and implementation of standards such as these can be a mixed blessing for all parties involved. This session will address Document Delivery Standards the real world.