Mark H.
Product Manager - Standards Sirsi Corporation1276 N Warson Road St Louis MO 63132
Telephone: 1.800.325.0888 x318 Fax: 1.314.993.8927

Major responsibility is to coordinate Sirsi's involvement's in various standards activities. I represent Sirsi at various standards groups including the Unicode Consortium, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the National Information Standards Organization (NISO), the Z39.50 Implementors Group (ZIG), and the ILL Protocol Implementors Group (IPIG). I was a member of the W3C working group developing a query language for XML, as well as the W3C XML Core working Group which is responsible for the continued development of the XML Syntax itself. In addition, I served on W3C's URI Coordination Group. I also served for 9 years as a member of the NISO Standards Development Committee (SDC), the committee that oversees the NISO technical program. I was the SDC liaison to the committees developed the SICI standard (Z39.56) and the Digital Object Identifier Syntax standard. I was also a member of the NISO committee that developed the NCIP (NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol) standard, and also served on NISO committees developing the OpenURL Standard, a US National Profile for Z39.50 for Library Applications, and a protocol for Networked Based Reference Services (NISO Netref). I am a member of the NISO Metasearch Activity and currently serve on the committee dealing with authentication and authorization issues for metasearch I am also involved in the development of the Bath Profile for Z39.50 and did a large portion of the work on the Bath specifications for interchange of Holdings information (Bath Functional Area B). I have also been involved in some of the experimentation work going on to develop a possible next generation Z39.50 ( the so called ZING - Z39.50 International Next Generation). I was also a member of the LITA Technical Standards for Library Automation Committee (TESLA) until it was dissolved, and was for several years the Chair of the ASIST (American Society for Information Science and Technology - formerly ASIS) Standards Committee. Sirsi is also a member of IMS and I monitor its work. I also regularly attend MARBI meetings at ALA and try to keep aware of developments going on in that committee on behalf of Sirsi.
NCIP Update - An Update on the NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol | -- October 15, 2004 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm |
This session will provide an introduction to the NISO NCIP protocol and update on activities surrounding it. The speakers will provide an introductory tutorial on NCIP itself and then go on to describe the activities of the NCIP Implementers Group and the NCIP Maintenance Agency, including information about the current status of various implementations of the protocol.