Eric is Chief Librarian of the Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library. In his earlier life he was a reference librarian in large and small public libraries as well university locations. Eric is currently the Chair of the Nova Scotia Digital Collections Initiative, a multi-sector interest group working to promote the digitization of materials in a variety of formats. He has a strong interest in the role that technology can play in furthering community development, especially in rural settings.
Digital Canada: Toward a Common Information Infrastructure for Canada | -- October 15, 2004 9:45 am - 10:30 am |
The Canadian Initiative on Digital Libraries is promoting a national vision for a cohesive approach to digital collections for and about Canada and Canadians. Libraries and their knowledge institution partners can contribute indexing and digital content to a collectively designed national system that maximizes coordinated efforts toward content building (indexing, scanning, etc.). This session will delve into the issues and benefits of such a national infrastructure and how it will minimize: the need for expensive systems, duplication of effort and software development experience.
Brian will speak first 20 min or so on the national vision and efforts thus far to build a cooperative digital collections initiative. This will be a broad based discussion highlighting the positive elements of such a course, including standards, communication of expertise, software sharing, support in identifying funding, etc. -
Eric will speak for 20 minutes or so on the Nova Scotia and local experience, providing on the ground examples of what Brian outlined. Highlighting the multi-sector cooperative venture of the NSDCI, how it came into being, some of the early plans and where we are heading now. Will also highlight the community side of the venture that has allowed for strategic partnerships with non-traditional agencies that can provide resources. -
Then time for questions.